
Flashpoint'sdownloadsarefree,portable,andpoweredbyopen-sourcesoftware(excludingthepluginsthemselves,whicharemostlyabandonware).TroubleshootingAntivirus...·MacSupport·SourceCode·FAQs,FlashpointLaunchersupportsthirdpartyextensionstoaddnewfunctionality,themesandlogosets.Knowncommunityextensionsarelisted ...,FlashpointArchiveisacommunityefforttopreservegamesandanimationsfromtheweb.Internethistorya...


Flashpoint's downloads are free, portable, and powered by open-source software (excluding the plugins themselves, which are mostly abandonware). Troubleshooting Antivirus... · Mac Support · Source Code · FAQs

Launcher Extensions

Flashpoint Launcher supports third party extensions to add new functionality, themes and logo sets. Known community extensions are listed ...

Flashpoint Archive

Flashpoint Archive is a community effort to preserve games and animations from the web. Internet history and culture is important. Downloads · Source Code · News · Request Form

Using the launcher

The Flashpoint launcher is the program through which archived games and animations can be played. There are also numerous ways to customize its appearance ...


The Flashpoint Launcher (FPL) is a desktop application made for browsing, storing and launching other applications (games, animations, web apps etc.). It is ...

FlashpointProjectlauncher: Launcher for Flashpoint Archive

The Flashpoint Launcher (FPL) is a desktop application made for browsing, storing and launching other applications (games, animations, web apps etc.).

Releases · FlashpointProjectlauncher

2 天前 · Flashpoint Launcher 13.0.0 Improved search capabilities Numerical comparisons for tags , platforms , addApps , gameData , playCount and playtime.

[達人專欄] 【心得】BlueMaxima's Flashpoint:Flash創作保存計畫 ...


Flashpoint Launcher download

The Flashpoint Launcher (FPL) is a desktop application made for browsing, storing, and launching other applications (games, animations, web apps etc.).

'> Flashpoint 超過 3.8 萬個 Flash 遊戲免費玩到飽

Flashpoint 超過 3.8 萬個 Flash 遊戲免費玩到飽
